Wednesday, April 1, 2020

Welcome to my domain

Hello wanderer, welcome to by humble abode. You may call me Twilight (no connection to the book series or the MLP character). Despite what everything about this blog's appearance would imply this is where I will posit my thoughts and feelings about my hobbies, including mecha model kits, anime (on occasion), and Transformers in particular. I may also occasionally talk about the stories I want to tell.

Regardless, I hope you like what I do here. I've been needing a place to put my thoughts since there's no person within 10 miles of me who's interested in talking with me about this, so I think this will help me significantly.

Your host, Twilight Phantom

P.S. That's not a first and last name, it's just what I'm called. A phantom of the Twilight, you see.